
Opening concert of the season of the Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra and the Vanemuine Concert Hall 2020

04.09.2020 at 19.00
Venue: Vanemuine Concert Hall
Location: Tartu, Estonia
Artists: Symphony Orchestra and Opera Choir of the Vanemuine, the Chamber Choir of the University of Tartu and Tartu Youth Choir, soloists Pirjo Jonas (soprano), Helen Lepalaan (mezzo-soprano), Juhan Tralla (tenor), Simo Breede (bariton), Märt Jakobson (bass)

Eino Tamberg Avafanfaarid
Arias and ensembles from the opera „Cyrano de Bergerac“

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No 9

A joint project of the Vanemuine Theatre & Eesti Kontsert

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