Risto Joost

Latest News & Press

Still und aller Zeit enthoben

(...) Den Dirigenten Risto Joost, Este wie Pärt, durfte das ostsächsische Publikum bereits als inspirierenden Leiter des MDR-Chores erleben, der er seit 2015 ist. Zuvor wurde der heute 37-Jährige zum …

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Clarity and musical intelligence

On Sunday, a surreal pianissimo floating through the room opens the concert by the MDR symphony orchestra and radio choir: the programme features works by Mozart. His motet “Ave Verum Corpus” serves a…

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Tabloid press and golden voices

The Württemberg Chamber Orchestra delights the Kornhaus audience – especially with its encore. Ulm Rarely does a concert review start with an encore. However, during the fourth concert of the Württemb…

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Souvenirs and other fireworks

Classic Estonian conductor Risto Joost invigorated the Württemberg Chamber Orchestra. Celebration in the Kornhaus. ‘Souvenir de Florence’ is a string sextet by Peter Tchaikovsky, and that is exactl…

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В Петербурге завершился юбилейный фестиваль «Музыкальный Олимп»

"На заключительном концерте юбилейного «Олимпа» в Концертном зале Мариинского театра за пульт театрального оркестра встал исключительно одаренный Ристо Йоост (лауреат конкурса имени Йормы Панулы, 2012…

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Captivating expressiveness

“This year’s season opening concert of the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra marked the orchestra’s 20th anniversary. It was also Risto Joost’s first concert as the TCO’s principal conductor. Just a few days …

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Väljendusrikkus, mis haaras endasse

“This year’s season opening concert of the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra marked the orchestra’s 20th anniversary. It was also Risto Joost’s first concert as the TCO’s principal conductor. Just a few days …

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Ohne Frantz und Taktstock

Der erst 33 Jahre alte Joost - in hiesigen Gefilden noch ein Unbekannter, wenn er auch unlängst im Schleswig-Holstein-Musikfestival zu sehen und zu hören war - ist Kapellmeister an der Estonia Nationa…

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CD "Peeter Vähi. Maria Magdalena"

Estonian Record Productions (2012). Sevara Nazarkhan (sopran), Priit Volmer (bass), Peeter Volkonski (lugeja), Juris Jēkabsons (tenor), Eduards Fiskovič (bariton), Uģis Meņģelis (bass), Riiklik Koor L…

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Peeter Vähi: Maria Magdalena (Oratorio) CD

Sevara Nazarkhan, Priit Volmer, Peeter Volkonski, State Choir Latvija, Riga Dom Cathedral Boys Choir, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra/ Risto Joost / Peeter Vähi Estonian Record Productions (201…

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Pärt CD

Netherlands Chamber Choir, Nederlands Chamber Orchestra, Gordan Nikolic (violin)/ Risto Joost/ Arvo Pärt Globe (2011)…

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CD "Pärt"

Globe (2011) Nederlands Kamerkoor, Nederlands Kamerorkest, Gordan Nikolic (violin), conductor Risto Joost…

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Estonian Composers IV. Risto Joost CD

Virgo Veldi, Jaan Varts, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Monika Mattiesen, Petteri Pitko, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Vox Clamantis, Risto Joost/ Risto Joost/  Toivo Tulev, Mirjam Tally, Tõnu Kõr…

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CD "Eesti Heliloojad (VI). Risto Joost"

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (2010); Virgo Veldi (saksofon), Ene Nael (portatiivorel), Risto Joost (kontratenor), Jaan Varts (elektrikitarr), Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester, Monika Mattiesen (flööt), Pett…

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CD "De spe"

ERP (2009). François Soulet, Jelena Voznesenskaya, Sauli Tiilikainen, René Soom, Anu Lamp, Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor, Tallinna Kammerorkester, dirigent Risto Joost. René Eespere.…

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René Eespere: De spe CD

François Soulet, Jelena Voznesenskaya, Sauli Tiilikainen, René Soom, Anu Lamp, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra/ Risto Joost / René Eespere Estonian Record Productions (…

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